Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer



Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.
-Jawaharal Nehru

You have to take life as it happens, but you should try
To make it happen the way you want to take it.
German proverb.

Goals are useful but they shouldn't be viewed as end products. Goals are useful only as they help us move from here toward somewhere else.

In life there is only the road to somewhere, and we are always on the way. Life is a long never-ending pathway stretching out ahead of you, with other pathways leading off to either side.

The pathway you are on now represents the lifestyle you are now living; the side pathways represent new directions you might take - new job, new city, new way of living. They represent the choices you will have in life.

To most pathways there is a price of admission; factors like education, experience, skills, connections and personal characteristics, such as, intelligence, persistence and good work habits. Human assets like substantial amounts of imagination, persistence and luck open other pathways and so on.

Focus: Choose a goal and stay with it and you can change everything. For instance, abstinence gets you sober and keeps you that way. Conquer that Demon and other pathways will open to you and you will have the levelheadedness needed to make choices about how to further regain your life.

Self-management means different things in different fields:

In business, education, and psychology, self-management refers to methods, skills, and strategies by which individuals can effectively direct their own activities toward the achievement of objectives, and includes goal setting, planning, scheduling, task tracking, self-evaluation,self-intervention, self-development, etc. Also known as executive processes (in the context of the processes of execution).

In the field of medicine and health care, self-management means the interventions, training, and skills by which patients with a chronic condition, disability, or disease can effectively take care of themselves and learn how to do so. Personal care applied to outpatients.

Life style and change Momentum

A. Self-motivation is its own reward.

B. You need to motivate yourself for the longhaul if you are trying to create a lifetime of meaningful accomplishments. To leave a legacy of contributing to your family and community.

C. Self-motivation tips:

#1 Reflect on your goals and write them down on a piece of paper. To get yourself motivated, you will need to know SPECIFICALLY what you want to achieve.

#2 You will need to develop a short and long term GOALS and PLANS that are achievable and realistic.

#3 Once you have clear written goals, review them morning and night when you write your 'to do' list to keep clear about your priorities.

#4 Visualize what it will be like when all your goals are realized. Talk about your goals and dreams until you believe they are real.

#5 Always set specific and realistic time limits. The feeling that there is a time crunch will create a sense of urgency and motivate you to get started.

#7 Reward yourself when you finish a task in the time frame given.

#8 Set new goals when previous one is accomplished. Successful people are always looking for new ways to improve on yesterday.

#9 Have fun. Learning to enjoy yourself while you work keeps you enthusiastic and motivated; and helps keep your stress levels under control.

How to Think for Yourself

Of the many methods and means for learning, to begin it is essential for one to learn to think for oneself, without simply repeating what others have said. Making one own's decisions rationally and with sincerity comes only from thinking things out. Looking at both sides of the picture, to determine what is wrong or right...for you!
Consider that what might be correct for someone else, might not be so for you. So give deep thought prior to making decisions so that you do not end up regretting the one you made.


Read. Find out what the great minds have thought about things. This means the classics, which are easily found in book stores or libraries. Classic novels are a much more entertaining way of learning how others think than dry text books, on anything from ethics to philosophy. Classics are usually more than just about the upper classes (which many of them are). Rather, they should discuss ideas that concern that which is considered as universal to the human condition.

Consider agnosticism. An agnostic neither believe nor disbelieves. To believe one thing is to exclude all other opinions to include one's own. The problem with this mindset is that it excludes opposing ideas and opinions.
If one suffers from mandated faith, then one can no longer share in another's opinions. To believe nothing, means anything from one's own existence—from the Big Bang, to Evolution, to the latest theories on what to eat—should be subject to questioning. This means that every statement is a question. "I believe there is no such as free will" is end of discussion. However if the subject is open, there is room for much if not endless speculation, since the universe is an open system. Question that statement.

Ask questions. To be interested in learning how to think one should be inquisitive. Ask questions and try to answer to them. It is only by asking questions that one creates context, for which to take interest and notice things that may relate. It is only by attempting to answer questions simply and clearly, that one can measure his or her own understanding of things. Understanding is the gateway to compassion and doing away with vices such as confusion, false ideas and misplaced blame.

Propose alternative theories to today's accepted ideas and understandings. The correctness or rightness doesn't matter, so much as the creation of new ideas, speculation, theories and concepts. What is important is the testing for validity. Every new idea as theory or concept should be tentative, subject to testing for its validity. If nothing is created, then there is nothing to test. Theories can be correct when self-contained by their own internal logic. One can believe anything they want, so long as it is not contradicted by one's own sense of wrong. However, most original thinking in the interest of truth should be tested by discussion, observation, argument, and personal experience. Bad ideas can lead to good ones, as they can take one in a direction one might not otherwise have gone. Untested ideas can be sheltered until they are strong enough to stand the test.

Simplify, reduce, and categorize. Ideas can come a mile a minute at a rate in which the mind cannot know what to do with them. One can write them down but then they tend to get lost in a maze of paper and writing may not be fast enough or convenient. One might create categories in the mind as repositories for ideas as associations. Categories can be questions one is working on, general subjects like history, theory of relativity, ancient man, red light shift, concept of how, love and hate, or ego. Associate ideas from books and movies to present circumstance and vice versa. Simplify the mish-mash within the categories, by attempting to reduce the many ideas to commonalities, for instance as Marx did reduce many if most of the many motives of mankind to economics. You should not drive yourself nuts with intellectual constancy. Rather ask questions make statements, make observations write them down or categorize and forget about them. Free association is healthier for the mind. The idea is come back to the problems one has set for oneself and to remember to come back circular fashion, freeing the mind to free association, day dream or whatever. The mind works on problems subconsciously. Come back and see what new may be there.

Analyze your surroundings. This is another means to help you think for yourself. This essentially means examining why someone thinks and believes that which they do, the origin of that thinking, and the possibility of motives that may or may not lie behind them. This involves taking common assumptions that you may have heard or been taught, and questioning it. This might be common knowledge or even actual experience.

Examine it. Ask yourself, "Why is that true? Why do I believe that? Is it valid if I have not proved it myself?"


Immerse yourself in artistic/creative outlets. Write a song or poem. Draw a picture. Build or cook something from scratch. Valuing your own creativity is a key step on the road to independent thought.

Avoid one sided systems such as political parties or organized religion. Any of these things will work toward closing your mind, rather than opening it. You should be able to adapt yourself to any perspective—not limit yourself to a single one. Belonging to a group invokes in most people of average intelligence—a "group mentality".

If you don't agree with a particular "law", or "rule", then DO NOT FOLLOW IT! The consequences are probably worth the peace of mind that you get knowing that you stood up for yourself. Keep in mind that YOU only get ONE life. If you spend your life following orders, you'll follow them right to your grave.


As one learns to think independently, one may change one's values and become intellectually and emotionally at variance with one's family, friends and community.

Being too independent may cause one to be labeled as "socially maladjusted" or "crazy."

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