Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


Subject: Tony robbins

The Power of Incantations

With economic uncertainty at the forefront of many people's minds, it's natural to start telling stories to ourselves that don't serve us. We make excuses and hope that our fears will just disappear. It's time to back control by taking action. How can you create a mindset of empowerment in spite of the many challenges in our daily lives? The alternative to fear and frustration is the Power of Incantation.

What is it?
An incantation is a phrase or language pattern that you say out loud with absolute certainty. When you are incanting something, you're engaging your entire nervous system with the full force of your focus, emotion, and body so it's an activated belief structure.

Why do them?
Reciting incantations helps move you to create the emotional intensity you need to have an outstanding quality of life. Spoken out loud with power, incantations form triads (inducing a new physiology and a new pattern of language) and instantly produce new beliefs about what's happening around you.

How do I come up with my own?
Consider that when you speak your incantation, you are reciting with absolute emotional intensity what you wish to become. It doesn't have to rhyme, or make sense-just that you say it consistently and feel it in your mind, body and soul.

Incantation Examples:

I will take charge of the forces that surround me.
I will conquer any challenge and be the master of my own destiny.
Every day, in every way, I'm getting stronger and stronger.
I will see the good in every person and situation.
My power will transform my body, mind and soul.
Once you've come up with your incantation, repeat it to yourself. Say it out loud with passion. Place emphasis on different words. Condition it so that it becomes a part of you and part of your everyday routine.

If you would like to learn more about the Power of Incantations, go to and get your copy of Tony's Get the Edge audio program.

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