"Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation."
Beautifully true
Beautifully true
If we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either. - Joseph Wood Krutch
Founded 1970
NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the netroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
Company Overview
NRDC is one of the most effective U.S.-based environmental action groups. We use law, science and the support of 1.3 million members and online activists to protect the planet's wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment. Become a member of NRDC!
To safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends.
http://www.nrdc.org/ dcinfo@nrdc.org

source: http://dailyinfographic.com/new-years-resolutions-infographic
How high should we set climate change goals to spark meaningful action? Our blogger explores the relationship between raising targets and boosting morale. With such high stakes, can we afford to shoot low?
A Sobering Climate Chat with Robert Socolow | OnEarth Magazine
A couple of months ago, I had the privilege of talking to Dr. Robert Socolow, the Princeton physics professor who, along with colleague Dr. Stephen Pacala, developed the famous “stabilization wedges” concept for combating climate change.

1 Million Strong for Solar Energy

Will 2012 belong to wind power or solar power?
Both these industries are sensitive to global technology changes and, therefore, pricing. India has undertaken a solar mission and is also looking at wind energy. The year 2012 will see how these two shape up...
Time Magazine Calls Fracking the Biggest Environmental Story of 2011 | OnEarth Magazine
That pronouncement comes despite the fact that climate disruption is causing more frequent freakish weather and in 2011 alone broke almost 3000 U.S. weather records, including 11 separate weather disasters that cost over a billion dollars each in damage. That’s on top of $14 billion in climate disr...
FDA's Misleading Antibiotics Action | OnEarth Magazine
“F.D.A. Restricts Use of Antibiotics in Livestock,” read the headlines earlier this week (specifically in the paper of record, the New York Times).
Time may be running out for this ancient fish. (http://bit.ly/iuWNQ
Bruce Stutz discuss the sturgeon's plight with Leonard Lopate.
If we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either. - Joseph Wood Krutch
Founded 1970
NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the netroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
Company Overview
NRDC is one of the most effective U.S.-based environmental action groups. We use law, science and the support of 1.3 million members and online activists to protect the planet's wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment. Become a member of NRDC!
To safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends.
http://www.nrdc.org/ dcinfo@nrdc.org
source: http://dailyinfographic.com/new-years-resolutions-infographic
How high should we set climate change goals to spark meaningful action? Our blogger explores the relationship between raising targets and boosting morale. With such high stakes, can we afford to shoot low?
A Sobering Climate Chat with Robert Socolow | OnEarth Magazine
A couple of months ago, I had the privilege of talking to Dr. Robert Socolow, the Princeton physics professor who, along with colleague Dr. Stephen Pacala, developed the famous “stabilization wedges” concept for combating climate change.
1 Million Strong for Solar Energy
Will 2012 belong to wind power or solar power?
Both these industries are sensitive to global technology changes and, therefore, pricing. India has undertaken a solar mission and is also looking at wind energy. The year 2012 will see how these two shape up...
Time Magazine Calls Fracking the Biggest Environmental Story of 2011 | OnEarth Magazine
That pronouncement comes despite the fact that climate disruption is causing more frequent freakish weather and in 2011 alone broke almost 3000 U.S. weather records, including 11 separate weather disasters that cost over a billion dollars each in damage. That’s on top of $14 billion in climate disr...
FDA's Misleading Antibiotics Action | OnEarth Magazine
“F.D.A. Restricts Use of Antibiotics in Livestock,” read the headlines earlier this week (specifically in the paper of record, the New York Times).
Time may be running out for this ancient fish. (http://bit.ly/iuWNQ
Bruce Stutz discuss the sturgeon's plight with Leonard Lopate.
Read his story: http://bit.ly/yzkl9N

Pipeline secrets spilled!
A former TransCanada contractor blows the whistle on the original Keystone pipeline’s “shoddy” construction. Read what he has to say in this Climate Progress blog: http://bit.ly/AhByF9

For such a small singer, its 99-decibel serenade commands attention from female insects--and just about everyone else in earshot.

Little Body, Big Sound | OnEarth Magazine
Yank the starter cord on your gas-powered lawnmower and listen as the engine revs to life -- that's roughly the volume of the mating call made by a tiny insect known as the lesser water boatman. When researchers first began a study to record and measure the boatman's sound in 2009, they couldn't...

Howard French
"There are few countries as large as Nigeria that are so underreported and little understood outside their shores."
@hofrenchHoward French
I love this quote from Michael Peel's excellent book about oil and Nigeria, A Swamp Full of Dollars:
Harvey Mackay:
The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.
Don't write to be understood, says Robert Louis Stevenson http://bit.ly/ADmvw

1 Million Strong for Solar Energy shared a link.

Will 2012 belong to wind power or solar power?
Both these industries are sensitive to global technology changes and, therefore, pricing. India has undertaken a solar mission and is also looking at wind energy. The year 2012 will see how these two shape up...
Pipeline secrets spilled!
A former TransCanada contractor blows the whistle on the original Keystone pipeline’s “shoddy” construction. Read what he has to say in this Climate Progress blog: http://bit.ly/AhByF9
For such a small singer, its 99-decibel serenade commands attention from female insects--and just about everyone else in earshot.
Little Body, Big Sound | OnEarth Magazine
Yank the starter cord on your gas-powered lawnmower and listen as the engine revs to life -- that's roughly the volume of the mating call made by a tiny insect known as the lesser water boatman. When researchers first began a study to record and measure the boatman's sound in 2009, they couldn't...
Howard French
"There are few countries as large as Nigeria that are so underreported and little understood outside their shores."
@hofrenchHoward French
I love this quote from Michael Peel's excellent book about oil and Nigeria, A Swamp Full of Dollars:
Harvey Mackay:
The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.
Don't write to be understood, says Robert Louis Stevenson http://bit.ly/ADmvw
1 Million Strong for Solar Energy shared a link.
Will 2012 belong to wind power or solar power?
Both these industries are sensitive to global technology changes and, therefore, pricing. India has undertaken a solar mission and is also looking at wind energy. The year 2012 will see how these two shape up...