Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center - Sources

All programs offered through MARC are educational based programs, not clinical programs.

For research purposes, specific programs may be tailored to a specific clinical population, but as educational programs they are open to anyone who meets the age requirement.

All MAPs classes have varying degrees of material that are well-known in other mindfulness based courses.

Since mindfulness is a body of practices with over 2500 years of development, many exercises are found across multiple programs. 

All MAPs classes are taught in a secular fashion and emphasize integration of mindful living in daily life. 

We are grateful to programs that have brought mindfulness practices into secular settings and many exercises found in our classes were drawn from such work.

We wish to acknowledge developers of other programs that contributed to the current MAPs programs at MARC.  

These include:
Numerous individual scientists and/or practitioners whose work has contributed to our class development include:
  • James Baraz
  • Jack Kornfield, Ph.D.
  • Phillip Moffit
  • Lobsang Rapgay, Ph.D.
  • Jeffrey Schwartz, M.D.
MAPS for ADHD was developed by Zylowska, L and Smalley, SL (Zylowska, et al, 2008), informed by MBSR (Kabat-Zinn, 1990), MBCT (Segal et al., 2002), and the biology of ADHD (Smalley, Psychiatry Times, 2009), as well as the long-standing tradition of mindfulness meditation. 

Ms. Diana Winston helped develop the content of the program and taught in the initial pilot study.  Drs. Jeffrey Schwartz and Alan Wallace contributed to the planning of this program.

The study was supported by the Robert-Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Grant and Norman Cousin's Center for Psychoneuroimmunology Fellowship Grant to Dr. Zylowska and, in part, by NIMH funding to Dr. Smalley.

For details on MAPS for ADHD program inquire with Dr. Zylowska at or Dr. Smalley at

Sources | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

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