Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


Self - Immolation to protest Oppression

"Before closing my eyes to Buddha, I respectfully plead to President Ngo Dinh Diem, asking him to be kind and tolerant toward his people and to enforce a policy of religious equality."

- Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk who burned himself to death to protest the regime in South Vietnam, 1963
Oppression continues to this day in many countries and so does the practice of self-immolation.

"99 Tibetans have self-immolated themselves protesting for independence from China. Seems like no one has noticed."    (

December 21, 2012 9:08 am

CBC News / Posted: Dec 20, 2012

Tibet self-immolation protests against China on rise

People setting fire to themselves in Tibet has become an almost daily occurrence, a dire form of protest against what many in the autonomous territory call an oppressive Chinese influence.

In this video report, CBC News Beijing correspondent Catherine Mercier travelled undercover into the picturesque Himalayan, and mainly Buddhist, area which borders with China to the north. The disputed traditional Tibetan homeland stretches 2.5 million square kilometres and has been claimed by the Chinese for centuries.

According to advocacy groups, since 2009 almost a hundred people have set themselves on fire in protest of the Chinese administration in Tibet, and are reported to have government informants heavily monitoring monasteries.

The rate of people choosing self-immolation was almost daily last month. The Chinese government blames the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet’s government-in-exile in India.

The Tibetan government has denied any claims of its involvement, saying the Chinese forced the confessions.

In a monastery where self-immolation had occurred, Mercier spoke to several people who agreed only to speak off camera, saying they would continue to protest. Punishment for anyone caught denouncing the Chinese can be severe.

Reports say that monks are being forced into re-education sessions where they must pledge loyalty to the Communist Party. Mandarin has also crept its way into the school system in place of the Tibetan language.

But the people of Tibet are resistant to the changes, fighting to preserve their culture, and willing to sacrifice their lives to do it.

Because of this warning, we chose not to include the video....
WARNING: This story contains graphic details



Instead we present this video of a monk giving testimony about the practice of self-immolation to help people understand why people are so desperate that they make this type of protest.......

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