Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


In the company of crows - DETAILS

Hi, my name is …

W7 and V6 are brothers living near Ithaca.

Hi, my name is …Tags with a letter and number large enough to read from a nearby car, plus colored bands around the legs, are among the methods researchers use to identify individual crows so their behavior can be observed and recorded in photos and journals.

The journals date back 23 years, to when Kevin McGowan of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology began observing crows.

The full names of the crows, above, are W7YBAR10 and V6YBAR10.

The brothers share the family name YBAR, meaning they can be found in a small suburban enclave along Yellow Barn Road and surrounding streets near Dryden.

The 10 means they hatched in 2010.

Although reproductively mature, W7 and V6 remain in their home territory and likely 
will help raise this year’s young. 

Despite their cooperative nature, crows do have hierarchies. 

As McGowan was photographing these two crows, he noticed that V6 was clearly but quietly dominant over his brother. W7 would crouch and freeze as V6 marched up to take a peanut from where W7 had been filling his bill.



31: estimated worldwide population of Corvus brachyrhynchos, in millions

2,145: number of crows tagged by Anne Clark, Kevin McGowan and their team

19: years lived by the oldest crow in McGowan and Clark’s study

4–6: average lifespan, in years, of a wild American crow

59: age in years of the oldest captive of the species

7: days the West Nile virus takes to kill an infected crow

0: number of crows resistant to the virus

45: percentage decline in crow populations since the West Nile virus came to the United States from Uganda in 1999

1: average weight in pounds of a mature American crow

36: length, in inches, of a crow’s wingspan

1822: year in which the American crow received its Latin name

31: species of crows worldwide

4: subspecies of American crow: Eastern, Western, Florida and Southern

25: miles a crow will fly in a day while collecting food

30–60: speed, in miles per hour, of a crow in flight

100: feet, in height, that researchers climb to reach nests

3–9: number of eggs in a clutch

50: percent mortality of crows in their first year of life

16–18: number of days until chicks hatch

35: days from hatching for a chick to leave the nest

15: maximum number of extended relations who help rear the young

100: years crows have been known to roost in Auburn, N.Y.

63,000: number of crows in the Auburn roost at its peak

1,061: number of crows shot in the 2004 Auburn crow hunt

7: months in New York’s crow hunting season

0: number of crows kept legally as pets






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