Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


The Prison Monk

Fleet is an author, consultant, trainer and executive coach who facilitates deep transformation for individuals and organizations through his philosophy and program of Radical ResponsibilityTM.  He serves the world through his work as a meditation teacher, peacemaker (Street Retreats, Bearing Witness Auschwitz and Rwanda), social entrepreneur and consultant and end-of-life care educator. He is an empowered senior teacher in two Buddhist meditation traditions, a holder of the Way of Council, and a certified trainer with Partners in Leadership, New Line Consulting, and Peacemaker Institute.

Fleet taught courses in psychology, meditation and Socially Engaged Buddhism at Naropa University from 1999 to 2009, where he founded the Center for Contemplative End-of-Life Care.  He is currently on the teaching faculties of Peacemaker Institute, Shambhala International, Upaya Institute, and the Zen Peacemakers.  He has guest lectured at Harvard University, University of Colorado and Colorado State University.  He is also a frequent keynote and plenary speaker at conferences on spiritually based social action, end-of-life care, restorative & transformative justice, meditation-based prison work and Socially Engaged Buddhism.

Prison Work

Fleet founded both Prison Dharma Network and National Prison Hospice Association while serving a 14-year mandatory-minimum sentence on drug charges in federal prison from 1985 to 1999.

Fleet helped start the first hospice program inside an American prison, initiating a prison hospice movement that now includes over 70 hospice programs in U.S. state and federal prisons. He also led a twice weekly meditation group at the prison for 14 years.

Prison Dharma Network now includes over 150 organizations and over 4000 individual members working to bring meditation and transformation to the lives of prisoners and correctional workers throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Fleet is the author of Dharma in Hell: The Prison Writings of Fleet Maull and numerous book chapters and articles on end-of-life care, contemplative social action, prison reform and Buddhist meditation.  He has been interviewed widely in the television, radio and print media, including interviews on the nationally syndicated public radio programs NPR’s Fresh Air and E-Town.

Fleet is the president  and senior consultant/trainer of New Line Consulting, LLC and maintains a very active practice in management consulting, organizational development, change management, leadership training and executive coaching.  New Line Consulting provides a broad range of transformative business & management consulting services to for-profit and social profit organizations, including: organizational and leadership development, executive coaching, change management, strategic planning, process reengineering and value stream mapping.

Dharma Teacher
Acharya Maull is a senior teacher (Acharya) appointed by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche in the Shambhala,
a Buddhist Community.

He is also a Dharma successor of Zen master and social entrepreneur, Roshi Bernie Glassman. He is a fully empowered teacher (or Sensei) and senior priest in the Zen Peacemaker Sangha and the Soto Zen lineage of Maezumi Roshi. He leads meditation retreats, leadership trainings, bearing witness retreats and street retreats throughout the United States, Europe and Latin America, where he also visits prisons and jails doing transformational work with both prisoners and prison staff.

Nonprofit Leader
Fleet is the founder of three nonprofit organizations, Prison Dharma Network, Peacemaker Institute and National Prison Hospice Organization and a leading innovator and pioneer in mindfulness-based prison programming, contemplative approaches to social change and the socially engaged Buddhism movement in the United States.  He is also the co-founder, along with Roshi Joan Halifax, of the Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program at the Upaya Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Social Activist and Peacemaker
Fleet also co-founded and directs Peacemaker Institute, a leading provider of integral and trans-formative leadership training for nonprofit leaders, social entrepreneurs, community activists, and peacemakers.

The Peacemaker Institute hosts bearing witness retreats and street retreats in places of deep suffering throughout North America, Europe, Africa and Latin America. His peacemaking activities range from the streets of U.S. cities, to former concentration camps in Poland, to Israel-Palestine, and the forgotten world inside our jails and prisons.  Fleet is also the co-founder, along with Joan Halifax, of the Buddhist chaplaincy program at the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, NM.

Fleet Maull has been a student of the Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche since 1977 and is a student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.  He earned a masters degree in Buddhist and Western Psychology from Naropa University in 1979, attended the Vajradhatu Seminaries and Kalapa Assemblies, 1981 – 1984, and received the Vajrayogini Abhisheka in 1989.  He is currently completing his dissertation for a Ph.D. in social psychology. 

Fleet has been a Dorje Kasung since 1978, attending the Magyal Pomra Encampments, 1979 – 1984, and serving the Vidyadhara as kusung and then attaché, traveling extensively with the Vidyadhara, 1981 – 1984.  Maull Kado currently serves as kusung to Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

Fleet founded Prison Dharma Network in 1989, National Prison Hospice Association in 1991, Peacemaker Institute in 2001, and the Center for Contemplative End of Life Care Programs at Naropa University in 2003.  

He served on the Naropa University faculty from 1999 to 2009, teaching courses in psychology, meditation, socially engaged buddhism.  He also serves as senior faculty with the Upaya Institute’s (Santa Fe, NM) Being with Dying program and co-director of the Upaya Institute’s Chaplaincy Training Program.   

Fleet is also a Dharma successor of Zen master and social entrepreneur, Roshi Bernie Glassman, and a fully empowered teacher or Sensei and senior priest in the Zen Peacemaker Sangha and the Soto Zen lineage of Maezumi Roshi.  As a Zen peacemaker, Fleet serves as a spirit holder of the annual Bearing Witness Retreat at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland and leads street retreats and other bearing witness retreats.

His teaching and peacemaking activities range from retreat and Dharma centers to the streets of major cities, to former death camps in Poland, to Rwanda and Israel-Palestine, to corporate board rooms and to the forgotten world inside our jails and prisons.  Fleet is the author of Dharma in Hell, the Prison Writings of Fleet Maull and numerous articles and book chapters in the fields of corrections, end of life care and socially engaged buddhism.

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Dharma in Hell: The Prison Writings of Fleet Maull

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