Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


An Antarctic bike ride to the South Pole

Juan Menéndez Granados in Greenland Menendez Granados will have to cover 1,200 km to reach the South Pole
Since Roald Amundsen's Norwegian expedition first conquered the South Pole in 1911 plenty of others have followed in his footsteps - but not necessarily by foot.
The journey has been completed with dog sleds, snowmobiles and four-wheel-drives. But no one had ever completed it on a pushbike. That is the challenge Juan Menendez Granados has set for himself. And he plans to do it solo.

The Spanish adventurer will have to cross 1,200km (750 miles) of snow and ice, and ascend a total of 3,000 metres, from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole.

He plans to set out around 1 December, or a few days before. During the 36 to 38 days the ride should last, he will be constantly exposed to extreme cold, with temperature seldom rising above -20°C.

"I have been preparing for this challenge for two and a half years," he tells BBC Mundo.
That training has included an expedition in its own right - a 27-day cycle-ride through Greenland in August-September this year.

Juan Menéndez Granados  

The adventurer believes loneliness will be one of his greatest challenges
Long days Although he might face less snowfall than he did in Greenland, Antarctica will be colder, and he will have the polar wind pounding him head on.
"[I need to avoid] getting my hands too cold to pitch the tent," he says.
That would be the tent where he will try to sleep a minimum of eight hours a day, after pedalling for eight to ten hours, hauling an 85kg load with all his supplies. That will consume much more than the 5,000 calories he expects to eat every day.
Being alone will bring its own complications. Loneliness will have an emotional impact. But it also means he will have no assistance on hand if he needs to be rescued.
In good weather conditions a rescue party would take five hours to reach him, according to Stephen Jones, member of the Royal Geographical Society and manager of Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions, which will support Menendez Granados.
"Worst case scenario," says Jones, "he might have to wait a few days for good weather".

Snow storm in Greenland  

In bad weather a rescue operation could take days to reach him
The bike Jones agrees it is a very difficult enterprise. "He's got a greater risk of mechanical failure [than someone skiing or walking]."
But the latest evolution in bicycle design has been key in allowing adventurers to try their luck in Antarctica - Menendez Granados's bike has 12cm (4.7 in) wheels and modified forks. He has decided against using tyres with nails but says the broader tyres should provide the grip he needs.

“Start Quote

He's got a greater risk of mechanical failure [than someone skiing or walking]”
Stephen Jones Manager Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions
"Several people have tried it over a few years, and none of them got anywhere at all, until last year," says Jones.
In January 2012, BBC TV presenter Helen Skelton reached the South Pole. Although she covered a much shorter distance - 800 km - and most of it was done on skis, she did cycle for 165km.

And in December 2012 the American Eric Larsen tried his hand on a similar bike to Menendez Granados's (Skelton's had a different design).

Larsen proved that "the technology isn't perfect, but is good enough," according to Jones.
Nevertheless, Larsen abandoned his attempt after covering 280km.

"I had to make the difficult decision to turn around as surface snow conditions prevented me from covering enough miles before [my] food and supplies ran out," he wrote in his blog.
A race? Menendez Granados will try to make it all the way to the end.

He will not be the only one. The American Daniel Burton will also try to reach the South Pole on a solo trip on two wheels, and is leaving around the same time.

And by the end of 2014 the Australian Kate Leeming will attempt the challenge.
It looks like a race then. But the Spaniard disagrees: "Antarctica is not a good place for races."

Bike pulling sledges in Greenland  
At the beginning of the journey the load will be 85kg
Changing equipment Although it is considered a cycling expedition, there will be times when he will have to dismount, put the bike on the sled and pull.


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