Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


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 Reuse Old Tires In A Beautiful Way

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View this content on Al Jazeera America 's website...

Dare to get the federal government off weed

America's 40-year war on marijuana was known to be a mistake when Nixon first declared it 



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                              We Take Way Too Much For Granted


Daydreaming is good for your brain. It makes you more creative but in some cases, it can cause depression.

The higher your IQ, the more you dream. People of high intelligence also remember most of their dreams.

  in all shapes, sizes and ages.
Lift off with the Crouch to Superman tubing exercise

Lift off with the Crouch to Superman tubing exercise

You'll feel like Superman after this press-and-pull exercise that works most of the major muscle groups in your body. Demonstrated here by...



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  30 Nov
Don't try this at home... Flowers and rubbing alcohol.


Black Friday weekend traffic drops; sales up 1%

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- With retailers pushing holiday sales earlier than ever, the four-day Thanksgiving through Sunday in-store sales saw a meager 1% increase to $22.2 billion, according to... 

 Black Friday weekend traffic drops; sales up 1%


Arguing lowers IQ, which is why people with an above average IQ prefer saying nothing, avoiding stupid arguments.


Photo: Think about it..


View this content on Washington Post's website

A night cap may get you to sleep, but studies show it may also wake...

Studies show that booze helps us fall asleep, but halfway through the night it may wake our brains up. 


WoW Facts ‏@WoWFactz

 Sleep-deprived children often become hyperactive and suffer from insomnia as adults.


Compassion is a trainable skill like attention.



Mice Inherit Specific Memories, Because Epigenetics? by

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