Affirmation of life is the spiritual act by which man ceases to live thoughtlessly and begins to devote himself to his life
with reverence in order to give it true value.
— Albert Schweitzer


Nelson Mandela's Robben Island jailer describes their unlikely friendship

 Image for Obituary: The Life of Nelson Mandela
 Remembering Nelson Mandela: 1918 - 2013
 Mandela's Robben Island jailer describes their unlikely friendship
Andrew Meldrum and Fazlur Phillips, The Associated Press
Published Sunday, December 8, 2013 

CAPE TOWN, South Africa

Christo Brand was with Nelson Mandela during all those years the anti-apartheid icon was imprisoned on Robben Island. Yet this South African was not one of Mandela's fellow prisoners __ 
Brand was his jailer.

Such was Mandela's charm and ability to turn enemies into allies that even the black political prisoner and the white Afrikaans warden forged an unlikely but enduring friendship.

Mandela used that same remarkable ability to forgive and to forge reconciliation to transform South Africa into a multiracial democracy after he stepped out of prison in 1990 and became the country's first elected black president four years later.

Mandela and Brand last met about two years ago when Brand, now in his 50s, brought his wife, son and grandson to see Mandela in Cape Town in a Sunday afternoon visit that lasted nearly three hours.  They had "nice chats about the past, about his family.

At Robben Island Brand grew to like Mandela and smuggled in special treats like bread and Mandela's favourite hair pomade. Brand even sneaked in Mandela's infant granddaughter so that the prisoner could hold her.

For his part, Mandela encouraged Brand to continue his education and maintained an interest in him and his family.

While South Africa's new constitution was being drafted Mandela saw Brand, who was distributing documents, Mandela lifted his arms and warmly greeted him. "He immediately made a big announcement to everyone:
'You know who is this person? This person was my warden, this person was my friend."'


*This is a very touching story about two humans ignoring race and political differences to become lifelong friends...

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