My friend asked, "With the Sunni and the Shia sects hating each other, how do they get along at the Hajj?"
Separate entrances is the best answer I can think of --- Sunnis to the left, Shias to the right... the veternarians worked it out...
The American South had their version:
South Africa Used Laws and Violence:
A Johannesburg housewife demonstrates the pocket-size of tear gas aerosol spray, July 12, 1963 in South Africa, claimed by its South African manufacture to be more efficient as a defensive weapon than a revolver. Effective at distances to 12 feet, the sprayed gas can blind a victim for about 10 minutes and leaves no harmful after-effects. Sale is limited to Boers (whites) over 18. Each canister contains squirts, enough, the manufacturers say, “to deal with a mob.’ The weapon was invented German-born Gunther Manfred Pruss, 41, was once served in the gas research section the German army. He’s been living in South Africa since 1958.
South African police beat African women with clubs in Durban in 1959, when the women raided and set fire to a beer hall in protest against police action against their home brewing activities. South Africa’s racial segregation policies still trouble the nation. Date: 09/04/1959
A 1961 photo of Nelson Mandela, then a 42-year-old, political activist and an able heavyweight boxer and physical culturist. The son of a minor chieftain, Mandela took his degree in Law at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
The Queen, with the Prime Ministers and heads of state attending the Commonwealth Prime Minister’s Conference at the dinner party she gave a Buckingham Palace. Among the group is Dr Hendrik Verwoed, making his last appearance at such a Commonwealth function. This week, owing to dissention over South Africa’s apartheid policy, he withdrew his country from the Commonwealth. Left to right; Dr Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), Mr John Diefenbaker (Canada), Dr Hendrik Verwoed (South Africa), Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Field Marshal Mohamed Ayub Khan (Pakistan), Sir Roy Welensky (Rhodesia and Nyasaland), Mrs Sirimavo Bandanaraike (Ceylon), Mr Harold Macmillan (Britain), Mr Robert Menzies (Australia), and Archbishop Makarios (Cyprus). Date: 17/03/1961
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